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Homebound Services Policy

Link to a sign-up form for homebound volunteering.

Purpose of Homebound

This program is designed to provide library materials to residents of Clark Township who are physically unable to come to the library. “Homebound” is defined as being generally confined to one’s residence either temporarily due to illness or accident, or permanently due to disability, age, or other mobility issues. In most cases, if a patron drives, he/she would not be considered homebound.

Patron Eligibility

Patrons must be a resident of Clark Township and have a current library card in good standing. If the patron does not have a library card, an application for a library card can be signed during the first homebound visit.


Patrons can apply for homebound services by calling or emailing(librarians@clarklibrary.org) the library at the Reference Desk. Once you are set up as a homebound patron, a reference librarian will contact you at home. The librarian will help you set up your “patron profile” based on your reading, music, and movie interests. You may also ask for specific titles you like to read.

Loan Procedures

Materials may include regular-print books, large-print books, audiobooks, music CDs and DVDs. Library materials (except for new items and DVDs) are loaned for a four-week period. New and other high demand items will be limited to one per month in this service. Library fines will not be applied to a homebound patron’s account, but users are responsible for the cost of lost or damaged library material. The Homebound Services librarian will be the point of contact for all services to the homebound customer for lost and overdue materials.

Homebound Volunteers & Delivery Schedule

Volunteers will be recruited to assist in the delivery of materials for any homebound patron. The library recruits the volunteers and contacts them when homebound patrons need a delivery. The volunteers are required to have the library card and show their driver’s license when they first start volunteering. A delivery schedule will be set up based on the patron’s needs and the availability of homebound volunteers. Materials will be delivered approximately twice a month. At the time that new materials are delivered, the items from the previous delivery will be retrieved and returned to the library.

Connect with Us


Phone: 732-388-5999

Address: 303 Westfield Avenue
Clark, NJ 07066