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Library Card


  • If you need a card, please send circulation an email at circulation@clarklibrary.org with the following information: your first and last name, phone, address, and birthdate. The library will mail the card to the address supplied. If you prefer to pick up in person, please bring your photo identification or a piece of mail containing your name and address.

  • The library also issues cards to anyone who goes to school or works in Clark.  You will need an id and proof of where you work or go to school.  Please email circulation@clarklibrary.org for more details.

  • If you need a library card to access our online materials, need your card renewed, or your PIN reset, please email circulation@clarklibrary.org or call 732-388-5999

For any help please call 732-388-5999, send an email to librarians@clarklibrary.org or chat with a librarian online. Click on the chat bubble on the lower right side to begin.



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